Monday, May 01, 2006

Stories people stories:)

Mr Rushkoff states that literally taking the bible seriously is akin to faith based mental illness. Ok that part's the no brainer it's what he suggests we do with the mythology left over is where it gets interesting.

I.e swapping one source on unreality for something that's not only as weird to the xtians as there claims are to me but are fairly opposed to it. So seemingly we have to rebuild their house of cards lest they get all nuts.. er how would one know?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mac attack


One Mac is all I have to speak with in the office. So rather than work on my own program i thought i t would be agood idea to see justhow happily supported the mac is on other services.

seems like blogger and safari hate spellcheck:)

Exciting stuff eh?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Two copy lefts don't make a copyright.

BBC NEWS | Business | Grokster shuts downloading site

Oops.. regardless of my ethical concerns re people freely stealing the work of the creators they -so- admire my contention was that under our current law , and forgive me for not knowing the latin for “this shit won’t fly” but.. Oops I just played a legally obtained Queen track to mark the passing of Grokster.

Now can we please get on with ensuring our freedom to act in a petulant manner re the petty shit , i.e your oppression by the man for actually asking that items of value are compensated on the creators terms isn’t removed by actually taking on something a little more serious …

Friday, October 14, 2005

Post one :I am born:

Let’s see if I can toss off an entry suitable for inclusion in the mindspace of “the cabal of which we do not speak” How many examples can you think of where an “all inclusive” group fragments into those carrying out their “approved” vision of inclusion against those they perceive to be dilettantes (utlanning) or even further removed those considered to be ramen (noodle that one, or send requests for an explanation on a (Orson Scott Post) Card.

Now. .. Wait a minute for that to clique.

Worst of all where in the hierarchy, implied by the question above, will the end users be placed? If the revolution were to be blogged, assuming that the masses can peel themselves away from the E! news and “Poe nog graph ee ” are they ever going to light a Molotov blog trail while conceptually constrained by what the proper “use” for their power should take? Will the changing of the guard from the old media system of a few gatekeepers to a spaghetti junction of private roads -each extracting a mental toll one elitist comment at a time- lead us anywhere other than into “intellectual” ghettos of like minded individuals?

Epiphany: Attempting to push communities or ideas together into one homogenous, addressable, mass led me to what should have been an obvious discovery. They aren't. Realistically one can't address anything other than the technical community of the "blogosphere" en masse, personally I prefer to call it the mediasphere, any more than you can inform the Internet as a whole.

Other than a language in common, in the USA you certainly can't guarantee that , there's no community message able to transcend gender,creed,age, economic class and a myriad of other differentiators where blogs be an efficient disseminator of such. I

Once you go beyond the underlying technology or methods of providing the "printing press" is it fair to expect that only uplifting, socially useful or material to the glorification of the press makers be granted access?

Clearly not; otherwise Danielle Steele novels could have never appeared.

Douglas Adams, the most interesting construction of the eponymous DNA, who hailed from Cambridgehad this to say.

“1. Everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal;
2. anything that gets invented between then and before you turn 35 is incredibly exciting and creative and, given opportunity, you can make a career out of it;
3. anything that gets invented after you’re 35 is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be all right really.”

For the vast majority of the public we’re approaching this “procession of the pages” as it relates to the Internet, or at least the masses interaction with it.
In short the parents of the current working generation are going to adopt the modes of communication their progeny consider exciting tech and that their grandchildren consider normality.

One of Hagbard Celine's rules



Hierarchy of Foreignness: Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the dead.

  • Utlanning, or otherlander
    -someone of another city or country
    -Swedish word: utlînning [u:tlen:ing] utlînningen utlînningar (noun)
    -English translation: foreigner, alien
    -Compounds: utlînningslag -en—Aliens' Act
  • Framling
    -"human" but of another world. Someone substantially different than us
    -Swedish word: frîmling [fr'em:ling] frîmlingen frîmlingar (noun)
    -English translation: stranger, foreigner, alien
    -Compounds: frîmling(s)|skap -et—alien status, alienation
  • Raman
    -human but of differing species, someone so different
    in concept and idea as to be considered other
    -Swedish word: ram [ra:m] ramen ramar (noun)
    -English translation: frame / (figuratively "limits, bounds")
    -Examples: inom mñjligheternas ram—within the limits of possibility
    -Compounds: ram|avtal -et—skeleton (blanket) agreement
  • Varelse
    -alien, no "conversation" is possible, they might be intelligent,
    they may be self aware, but we wouldn't know it.
    -Swedish word: varelse [v'a:relse] varelsen varelser (noun)
    -English translation: being
    -Examples: levande varelse—living creature